MUD 18 Newsletter
March—May 2020

New MUD 18 Website: As of December 2019, a new website for MUD 18 was
launched. Created by 1190 Designs, the new website is intended to provide the MUD 18
community with the most current information and to maintain compliance with State legislative
requirements. Policies that govern the District have been reviewed and/or revised as of
November/December 2019 and are published on the new website at
MUD 18 Taxes: The MUD 18 Board approved the tax rate at $0.33 per $100 of
assessed property value. The certified value of property in the District remained relatively stable
from the prior year. The MUD 18 tax rate has remained even for the past four years. The tax
rate is composed of two components:

1. Debt Service of $0.17 is down $0.02 from the previous year. The District has not
needed to sell any new bonds since 2011 and such pay downs and pay offs of earlier
bonds have reduced the amount required to meet Debt Service obligations.
2. Maintenance and Operations (M&O) of $0.16 (up $0.02 from the previous year) covers
maintenance of all our facilities including water plants, waste treatment plants, lift
stations, storm drainage infrastructure and distribution lines. M&O expenses have risen
modestly due to the growth in our facilities and aging of the facilities requiring more
maintenance, repair and replacement.

You should have received your tax bill in October and payment is due by January 31, 2020.
As of November, 99.3% of 2018 and 12.6% of 2019 taxes have been collected for the District.

Watch the Weather and Water Smarter: Many homeowners in Bentwater have St. Augustine
grass. St. Augustine grass grows well in nearly all soil types and tolerates shade, heat, and
some drought but does not tolerate waterlogged soils. To keep your lawn healthy, water only
when the grass needs it. Wet the soil to a depth of 6 inches. Then don’t water again until the
grass shows symptoms of drought stress. This usually occurs in 5 to 10 days, depending on the
weather. When appropriately watered, the St Augustine grass will send out its roots deeper and
deeper into the soil in search of water as the topsoil begins to dry out.

Run-off from watering a lawn can waste a significant amount of water. The factors determining
how quickly run-off occurs are the type of soil and the application rate of the sprinkler system.
Do not apply water faster than the soil can absorb it. To prevent run-off: 1. Check the lawn while
watering. If water begins running into other surfaces, note how long it took before run-off
occurred. This is the maximum amount of time you should water at one time. 2. Stop watering
and allow the soil surface to dry (30 minutes to 1 hour). 3. Begin watering again and continue for
the time you’ve determined. With an automatic irrigation system, have someone monitor your
watering system while you are away in case of rain.

Sewer, Trash & Recycling: Approximately half of the wastewater plant was refurbished in
2019 and the remainder will be completed in 2020. Phase I of the wastewater treatment plant air
diffusers was completed in 2019 with Phase II completion scheduled for 2020. The Hidden
Creek Lift Station was retired in September by redesigning and connecting the wastewater lines.
This saves operational and maintenance costs for the District.

Please bag leaves and/or shrub trimmings and tie up trimmed tree branches for garbage pickup. When left in the street, yard debris can block sewer drains. Waste Management picks up on
all holidays but Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year. If trash pick-up falls on Thanksgiving,
Christmas or New Year on a regularly scheduled trash/recycle day, pick-up will occur on the
next regularly scheduled day. Recycle pick-up only occurs on Thursdays. If a holiday occurs on
a Thursday, trash will be picked up on Monday but recycle will not be picked up until the
following Thursday.

Water: Water Plant No. 2 rehabilitation has been completed. The Cooling Towers, the water
well and the plant became operational again in August. Approximately one quarter of waterline
pigging was completed in 2018-2019 and with the remainder scheduled for 2020-2021. Line
pigging is an internal pipe-cleaning process used to remove the build-up of salts/minerals from
the inside of water pipes. Current water usage rates can be found on the MUD 18 website.

Need to Report a Problem? Don’t assume the problem has already been identified or
reported. If you observe a water leak, sewer odor, discolored water, open manholes, alarms are
sounding, or other problems, please help us by calling: Hays Utility Service @ 936-588-1166.
Hays has someone in Bentwater every day, seven days a week. They can and will respond 24
hours a day. Their general office hours are from 8:00AM to 4:30PM Monday through Friday.

Sign-up for E-Blasts: If you are not receiving our E-Blasts, you are missing out on timely
information. Go to our website at and give us your email address. Your
address will not be shared with anyone. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Meetings Open to the Public:
Our regularly scheduled monthly meetings are the 3rd Tuesdays at 9:30AM in the Country
Club Cypress Room. Meetings are open to the public. The agenda is posted on our web site
and the message board in the breezeway entrance to the Country Club Grill near the Golf Proshop. Minutes from meetings are published on the MUD 18 web site.

Your MUD 18 Board:

Rex Cambern – President
Lou Tichacek – Vice President
Susan McFarland – Treasurer
Gary Montgomery – Secretary
Nancy Busen – Assistant Secretary