Winter Newsletter- 2025

MUD 18 Newsletter
January – March 2025


Best Trash One-Year Anniversary

One year ago, we switched Bentwater’s trash company from Waste Management to Best Trash.  Here is an update on why we switched and how things are going.

At the end of 2023, Waste Management informed us of proposed changes to our contract that we found unacceptable. Because they were switching to an automated pickup, both trash and recycle would have to be in their 96-gallon containers.  Also, we would have been reduced to one trash pickup, one recycle pickup, and one heavy trash pickup per week.  If trash and recycle were not in their bins, they would not be picked up because there was just one employee on the truck – the driver.

The MUD board felt this did not meet the needs of most residents of Bentwater, so we searched for a new provider.  Best Trash gave us a proposal that we felt would work well for our community and would actually be less expensive. We would get two trash pickups and one recycle pickup per week, plus two heavy trash pickups per week.  Both providers required that our new contract include an annual escalation factor based on the relevant CPI index.

Once the provider transition was complete and residents learned the new schedule and procedures, things have been running smoothly. Baring major weather events and normal holiday schedules, trash and recycle have been picked up on a regular basis with no disruptions.  Please remember that when a holiday falls on a regular pickup day, the company will not pick up until the next regularly scheduled pickup day.  The holidays are Christmas, New Year’s, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving.  Also, please note that if a storm disaster is declared, Best Trash will not pick up storm debris.

In review, Bentwater’s garbage and heavy trash pickups are on Monday and Thursday, while recycle is picked up on Mondays.  If you bag your recycle items, they must be in a clear plastic bag so the items are visible to the crew.  Otherwise, they might mistake the bag for trash and not pick it up.  If you fill up your recycle bin, extra items can be placed next to the Best Trash bin in carts not over 50 gallons, or bags or boxes weighing no more than 40 pounds.  If the garbage bin is full, an extra cart not over 50 gallons or bags weighing 40 pounds or less can be placed next to it.  It is suggested that the trash and recycle bins be placed on opposite sides of your driveway, when possible, to avoid confusion.  Best Trash begins servicing our neighborhood at 7:00 a.m., so containers must be at the curb by then.

If you have issues with garbage or recycle, the suggested method of communication is to go to the Best Trash website and scroll to the bottom of the page to the contact form where you can report missed pick-ups or report damage to your cart.  Best Trash will repair or replace your cart at their discretion.

For detailed information about water, sewer and trash service, please go to the MUD website at

The MUD board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 9:30 a.m. at the country club and are open to the public.


Sign Up for Online eStatements and Bill Pay

Signing up is easy!  There are two ways to do this – online or by calling First Billing.

To sign up, follow these steps:

  • You will need your account number from a recent statement.
  • Go to to the First Billing site, or call (855) 270-3592.
  • Click on “create new account.”
  • Your account number will be a 15-digit number in this exact format: 19908-0123456789.  Everyone in MUD8 has the same first 5 digits (19908), then a dash, then your old 10-digit account number with no dashes. The statement you receive in May will have the new 15 digit account number.
  • Enter your zip code and email information.  Create a user name and password, then confirm your password. You will get an email back which you will need to click on to confirm your email.
  • Sign-in. You can then register for eStatements, pay a bill, set up auto pay, etc.
  • We encourage everyone to sign-up for eStatements so you can get your statements anytime from anywhere. This is free. You will get an email each month when your statement is available. You can also review all of the other bill pay (auto bill pay) options.
  • If you are currently having Hays debit your bank account automatically, this will not change. You do not need to sign up for a new bill pay method. But we would still appreciate it if you would sign up for eStatements.

If you have any other questions about service or billing, please contact the district operator:
Hays Utility North Corporation
Billing address: P.O. Box 1170, Montgomery, Texas 77356
Physical address: 375 Lake Meadows Dr, Montgomery, Texas 77316
Phone: (936) 588-1166

Your MUD Board:

Susan McFarland, President
David Parkhill, Vice President
John Crystal, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
Terry Gent, Assistant Secretary

Winter Newsletter- 20252025-02-03T15:39:58-06:00

Trash Service- Inclement Weather

With the latest snow forecast for Tuesday, Best Trash will be closed for regular operations tomorrow.

Please see the revised schedule below for the tentative schedule for the rest of the week.

  • Monday:    We will run a regular service day.
  • Tuesday:    Closed.
  • Wednesday: Delayed start.
  • Thursday:   Delayed start.

Note: If the landfills close due to inclement weather, we cannot run our routes on those day(s).

The guidelines are subject to change depending on the actual weather conditions.

If we are unable to run our routes on your scheduled service day, your pick-up will be on the next scheduled service day.

If plants die due to the weather, they will be considered storm debris and handled accordingly.

Trash Service- Inclement Weather2025-01-20T17:22:24-06:00

Storm Debris Pick Up

We have been advised by Best Trash that they will continue to pick up trash and yard waste all day today. Their first priority was to pick up the smelly trash first since it had accumulated from the holiday and no pickup on Monday. They will then continue to pick up yard waste as per the rules on our website. As long as it is bagged or bundled or in containers, they will pick it up. They told us they will continue to collect even if it takes till 10 p.m. tonight. They have their supervisors out driving trucks and, if a truck from another subdivision is finished, they are sending it to Bentwater to help collect.

Please note Best Trash cannot pick up large branches or loose trimmings unless they are bagged or bundled.

Thank you.
Your MUD Board:
Susan McFarland, President
David Parkhill, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Storm Debris Pick Up2024-07-12T12:42:14-05:00

Summer Newsletter

MUD 18 Newsletter
July – September 2024

Holiday Schedule for Best Trash

Please note the holidays for Best Trash: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If Bentwater’s pick-up day falls on one of these holidays, Best Trash will resume service on the next scheduled pick-up day – not the next calendar day.  Also, heavy trash is picked up each trash day as long as the rules are followed.

Also, Best Trash rewards its crews for positive feedback from customers, so if you see an employee doing something extra or worth noting let us know so we can pass it on.  Let’s let our crew know we appreciate their good service.

Drainage Maintenance

Hays Utility has started its annual clean up and repair of the drainage easements maintained by MUD 18 in preparation for hurricane season.  Drainage issues can be confusing as to who is responsible for correcting them.  Sometimes it is the homeowner’s responsibility, sometimes the Country Club, or the POA, or MUD 18.  If you know of any issue, please contact Hays Utility at 936-588-1166 to report it.  They will check it out and get back to you with an answer.

In the same light, if you see a water leak running down the street, a leaky fire hydrant, or a red light on one of the sewer lift stations, let Hays Utility know day or night.  It is up to us to help conserve our water resources.


Please bookmark the MUD website for information about water, sewer or trash questions.  There is a lot of helpful information on the website ( with links to other sources.

Suggested Watering Guidelines for Your Property

Proper watering is critical to your lawn’s health and vigor. Deep and infrequent watering is the best practice. This means wetting the soil to a depth of 3-5 inches per irrigation. This equates to 1-1.25 inches of water per week, split over several days.  Your run times should be adjusted based on how dry your yard is. Winter watering should have run times 50% less than your summer run schedule.

Watering is most beneficial to your grass when done in the morning (3 a.m. to 8 a.m.) rather than afternoon or evening.  Avoid overnight watering. Early morning watering allows the leaf blades to dry and reduces the risk of disease.  Do not water every day or two. Frequent, short watering encourages shallow roots, unhealthy grass plants, and turf susceptible to drought and disease.

Let the turf determine watering frequency. Since heat, humidity and rainfall vary, it’s best to water at the first signs of stress, not on a predetermined schedule.  As a note, St. Augustine turf has poor drought tolerance and requires more irrigation to survive during our long hot summers.

Water newer plants 3-4 times per week for no more than 5 minutes.  Keep the ground around new trees and shrubs moist initially using a soaker hose or drip line but gradually back off after two weeks.

Recommended Lawn Watering Schedule

Here are some general lawn-watering guidelines and tips:

Irrigation Spray Head Averages

  • Pop-up spray heads: 10-12 minutes, 3 times per week = 1”
  • Rotary spray heads:  16-23 minutes, 3 times per week = 1”

Suggested Irrigation System Settings

Some irrigation timers have a seasonal adjustment setting that enables you to reduce or increase watering without changing zone settings.  Suggested settings for our area are as follows:

November, December, January and February = 0%
March              50%
April                 70%
May                 80%
June                90%
July/August   100%
September     70%
October           50%

Your MUD Board:

Susan McFarland, President
David Parkhill, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Summer Newsletter2024-07-02T22:20:55-05:00

Best Trash will NOT Empty Other Company’s Containers

Best Trash will not empty other company’s containers, please do not use Waste Management’s 96-gallon bins. If you want to get rid of them Best Trash will pick up the empty Waste Management containers on Monday February 12,2024. You can also take them to the Waste Management collection center in Conroe. As far as Waste Management is concerned the containers are yours to keep.

Your MUD board
Susan McFarland, President
David Parkhill, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Best Trash will NOT Empty Other Company’s Containers2024-02-12T10:18:00-06:00

Important Notice: Change to Garbage and Recycling Services

Please be aware that changes are coming to your garbage and recycling services. The Montgomery County MUD 18 contract with Waste Management of Texas expires on December 31, 2023. Because Waste Management is changing to semi-automated pick-ups, which would mandate using wheeled bins like the 96-gallon recycling containers, the MUD board felt the new contract would not benefit Bentwater residents. Therefore, we accepted a new contract with Best Trash to provide all of Bentwater’s residential solid waste services, including collection of household garbage, bulk waste, yard waste, and recycling.

With Christmas and New Years falling on Mondays this year, Waste Management’s final pick up will be on Thursday December 28,2023 for trash and recycling. Best Trash’s first pick up will be on Thursday January 4, 2024 for trash and bulk items only. To better serve our residents, Best Trash will pick up garbage and bulk items on Mondays and Thursdays, and recycling will be picked up on Mondays.

Best Trash will provide each household with two 65-gallon containers, one for garbage and one for recycling. Yard waste can be placed in the garbage container or bagged and placed next to it. The same guidelines for garbage and recycling that applied to Waste Management will apply to Best Trash as to what is acceptable for pick up.
Once it is available, we will provide the schedule for delivery of the new containers to each home. There is no charge for these new containers. Since we are approaching the holidays, if you plan on being out of town, please arrange with a neighbor to move the new containers away from the curb. As of this time, we have not heard from Waste Management when they plan to collect the 96-gallon recycling containers. The existing garbage container is yours to keep.

Your MUD Board:
Susan McFarland, President
Lou Tichacek, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Important Notice: Change to Garbage and Recycling Services2023-12-13T17:34:27-06:00

Fall Newsletter- 2023

MUD 18 Newsletter
October – December 2023

2023 Tax Rate

The new tax for 2023 will be $0.232 per $100 of valuation. This is a $0.028 ( 10.8 % ) drop from the previous year. On average, the home valuation in the district increased about $60,882, and the Board wants to maintain the revenue as close as possible to last year. Last year the average tax bill was $1,454, while this year it will be $1,439. Please note that this is an average, meaning some bills will be higher and some bills will be lower. Everything will be based on your property’s assessed value and if you had a successful protest outcome. It is the intention of the Board to collect only what is needed to meet our debt obligations and our planned capital expenditures in the five-year plan to maintain the plants and equipment.

Suggested Watering Guidelines for Your Property

Proper watering is critical to your lawn’s health and vigor. Deep and infrequent watering is the best practice. This means wetting the soil to a depth of 3-5 inches per irrigation. This equates to 1-1.25 inches of water per week, split over several days. Your run times should be adjusted based on how dry your yard is. Winter watering should have run times 50% less than your summer run schedule.

Watering is most beneficial to your grass when done in the morning (3 a.m. to 8 a.m.) rather than afternoon or evening. Avoid overnight watering. Early morning watering allows the leaf blades to dry and reduces the risk of disease. Do not water every day or two. Frequent, short watering encourages shallow roots, unhealthy grass plants, and turf susceptible to drought and disease.

Let the turf determine watering frequency. Since heat, humidity and rainfall vary, it’s best to water at the first signs of stress, not on a predetermined schedule. As a note, St. Augustine turf has poor drought tolerance and requires more irrigation than other grasses to survive during our long hot summers.

The soil around new shrubs needs to be kept moist but not soggy. Water them 3-4 times per week for no more than 5 minutes each time. Keep the ground around new trees moist initially by using a soaker hose or drip line, but gradually back off after 2 weeks.

Tips to Prevent a Leaking Water Heater Disaster

Fortunately, most water heater problems can be avoided with proper maintenance. If you follow these steps once or twice a year your water heater should last a long time, work efficiently, and avoid a leaking disaster.

1. Check Temperature & Pressure-Relief Valve

Test the temperature and pressure-relief valve (T&P valve) once a year to make sure it’s working properly. Use caution: The water in the tank is hot and can cause scalding burns. When you pull up or push down on the valve handle, hot water should come out of the overflow pipe. If it does not, it may need replacing. You can do this yourself but a better option is to call a professional plumber.

2. Drain Water

Periodically, about every 12-16 months, drain a bucket of water from the drain faucet at the bottom of the water tank to remove sediment. The sediment can corrode the unit and reduce heating efficiency.

3. Check Water Lines

Check all of the water lines, fittings and valves connected to your water heater. Look for signs of leaking water. Using a flashlight, check under the tank for small leaks that could be caused by rust or corrosion.

4. Use a Drain Pan

Use a specially designed drain pan (also called a drip pan) under the water heater. They come in all sizes and are circular or square. You can find a decent drain pan for $15-30 at your local hardware or building supply store. Make sure it has a drain at the bottom, and periodically check to make sure it is not clogged.

5. Check the Sacrificial Anode

Water is known for causing rust, corrosion and general harm to metals. So, have you ever wondered what prevents water from damaging the metal of your water heater tank? This protection is often provided by a sacrificial anode rod installed in your unit.


For any water, sewer or other issues concerning MUD 18, please contact our operator Hays Utilities North at 936-588-1166. Hays personnel are usually in Bentwater during the day to respond to emergencies. Also refer to our web site to look for answers to other questions.

Your MUD Board:
Susan McFarland, President
Lou Tichacek, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Fall Newsletter- 20232023-10-04T19:08:30-05:00

Spring Newsletter- 2023

MUD 18 Newsletter
April – June 2023

Construction on FM 1097

The construction on the South side of FM 1097 for a 12-inch water main from Water Plant 2 to Pine Branch Drive is almost finished.  This project will loop Bentwater’s entire water district to provide redundancy and better maintain constant water pressure.  If for some reason there is an issue at one of our water plants, the other plant will be able to maintain the district’s water supply without any noticeable effect. The final stages of testing and flushing will be completed by the first week of April (weather permitting).

Suggested Watering Guidelines for Your Property

With high heat and drought conditions expected to impact usage, it is important to conserve water.  Since each property has different landscaping layouts and sizes, please review the following water guidelines and make adjustments to suit your particular conditions.

Deep and infrequent watering is the best your lawn’s health and vigor. This means wetting the soil to a depth of 3-5 inches per irrigation. This equates to 1-1.25 inches of water per week, split over several days.  Run times should be adjusted based on how dry your soil is. Winter watering should have run times 50% less than your summer run schedule.

Watering is most beneficial to your grass when done in the morning (3 a.m. – 8 a.m.) rather than afternoon or evening.  Avoid overnight watering. Early morning watering allows the leaf blades to dry and reduces the risk of disease.  Do not water every day or two. Frequent, short watering encourages shallow roots, unhealthy grass plants, and turf susceptible to drought and disease.

Let the turf determine watering frequency. Since heat, humidity and rainfall vary, it’s best to water at the first signs of stress, not on a predetermined schedule.  As a note, St. Augustine turf has poor drought tolerance and requires more irrigation than other grasses to survive our hot weather months.

Water newer plants 3-4 times per week for no more than 5 minutes.  Keep the ground around new trees and shrubs moist initially using a soaker hose or drip line but gradually back off after two weeks.

Recommended Lawn Watering Schedule

Here are some general lawn-watering guidelines and tips:

Irrigation Spray Head Averages
Pop-up spray head: 10-12 minutes, 3 times per week = 1”
Rotary spray heads: 16-23 minutes, 3 times per week = 1”

Seasonal Watering Recommendations
January & February – Rainfall is usually adequate. Water if no rainfall for four weeks.
March, April & May – Water only once per week if less than one inch of rainfall occurs.
June, July, August & Early September – Water each section heavily at least twice a week if less than one inch rainfall.
Late September & October – REDUCE WATER FREQUENCY!
Early fall is Brown Patch Season, and excess water triggers this disease. During September water only once per week if no rainfall and every two weeks in October if no rain.
November & December – Rainfall is usually adequate. Water if no rainfall for four weeks

Suggested Irrigation System Settings

Some irrigation timers have a seasonal adjustment setting that enables you to reduce or increase watering without changing zone settings.  Suggested settings for our area:

November, December, January and February 0%
March 50%
April 70%
May 80%
June 90%
July/August 100%
September 70%
October 50%

Just so you know…

In 2022 the district pumped 497,861,000 gallons of water, and 120,627,000 gallons went through the waste treatment plant.  This means on average 75.77% of our water (377,234,000 gallons was used for irrigation, car washing, pressure washing, filling swimming pools, drinking or leaks.  During the warmer months the percentage is over 80%, which means irrigation is our largest user of water.  Please conserve water whenever possible.

If you have questions about MUD 18 go to our website at for answers about water, sewer or trash pickup.

Your MUD Board:

Susan McFarland, President
Lou Tichacek, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Spring Newsletter- 20232023-04-04T21:28:14-05:00

Winter Newsletter

MUD 18 Newsletter
January – March 2023

Sign up for Alert Notifications

When you go to the MUD 18 website home page, a pop-up will appear asking you to sign up for emergency alerts. You can sign up for email alerts, text alerts, or both. At a minimum, we urge all customers to sign up for text alerts. We want to make sure all our customers can be notified in case of emergency. This system will be used only in emergency situations where the community needs to be notified for health or safety reasons. Also, please bookmark our website ( as most questions about water, sewer, and trash pickup are answered there. If your water and sewer questions are not answered on our web site, contact our operator Hays Utility North at 936-588-1166. For trash and recycle information, contact Waste Management at 800-800-5804. Please remember the customer for Waste Management is M.U.D. 18, not Bentwater.


Over the years Bentwater residents have done a great job of recycling, thereby reducing the amount of solid waste sent to the landfill. Each year the amount we recycle keeps going up. Waste Management furnished each homeowner a 96-gallon cart, with a YELLOW lid, for recycle items. Please only use this container for recycling. Home owners must supply their own container for trash pickup. Remember, only items placed in the bin with the yellow lid will be picked up for recycling as there is only the driver and the pickup is automated. If recyclables are placed next to the bin they will not be picked up. Cardboard boxes should be collapsed to fit in the bin. Even better, cut them up into smaller pieces, which will enable you to get more in the bin.

Always recycle: plastic bottles and containers, food and beverage cans, paper, cardboard and paper board, glass bottles and containers. Place only clean and dry recyclables in your recycling cart.

Do not recycle: food or liquids; Styrofoam cups or containers; loose plastic bags such as those from the grocery store or dry cleaners; film of any kind; bagged recyclables; batteries or electronics; green waste; clothing; furniture or carpeting; rope or wire; shredded paper. Since Waste Management is a single stream recycler (we do not have to separate items) it is important not to put anything in the recycler that will get caught in the spinning discs at the plant. If the discs get tangled with wire rope or plastic bags the system has to be shut down and cleaned out. Therefore, even wire hangers from the dry cleaners cannot be recycled.

Regular Trash Collection: Monday and Thursday

Please be sure your trash is at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on collection day.
Household garbage, grass clippings, leaves, branches and tree trimmings are collected at the curb. You are limited to 10 bags, bundles or containers per collection. Containers over 45 gallons must have all trash bagged.

Bulky Trash Collection: Thursday

Limit: Two bulk items
Acceptable items include moving boxes (please break them down and bundle them), old furniture, appliances, grass clippings, leaves, branches and tree trimmings.
Important: For the safety and protection of Waste Management employees and equipment, branches and tree trimmings need to be no greater than 3 inches in diameter and to be cut, tied and bundled into 4-foot lengths weighing no more than 40-50 pounds.

Please note! Waste Management can no longer dispose of CFC refrigerant containing items (refrigerators, freezers, etc.) without certification that the Freon has been properly removed and recycled, pursuant to current Federal law.

Unacceptable Items:
Gasoline & oil (cans/filters); vehicle tires; large pieces of metal; landscape materials; rocks; electronic waste (such as televisions/computers, monitors); construction debris (paint & carpet, etc.); glass (i.e. windows, bathroom mirrors resulting from construction projects); propane tanks.

MUD Meetings Open to the Public

Our regularly scheduled monthly meetings are the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Country Club Cypress Room. Meetings are open to the public. The agenda is posted on our web site and the message board in the breezeway entrance to the Country Club Grill near the Golf Pro-shop. Minutes from meetings are published on the MUD 18 web site.

Your MUD Board:
Susan McFarland, President
Lou Tichacek, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Winter Newsletter2023-01-05T17:56:11-06:00

Fall Newsletter

MUD 18 Newsletter
October – December 2022

2022 Tax Rate
The new tax for 2022 will be $0.26 per $100 of valuation.  This is a $0.03 drop from the previous year.  On average, the home valuation in the district increased about $50,000, and the Board wants to maintain the revenue as close as possible to last year.  Last year the average tax bill was $1,452, while this year it will be $1,454.  Please note that this is an average, meaning some bills will be higher and some bills will be lower than the average.  Everything will be based on your property’s assed value and if you had a successful protest outcome.  It is the intention of the Board to collect only what is needed to meet our debt obligations and our planned capital expenditures in the five year plan to maintain the Districts plant and equipment.

Construction on FM 1097
Starting October 3, 2022, you will begin to see construction on the South side of FM 1097 for a 12-inch water main from Water Plant 2 to the East entrance of Bentwater.  This project will loop Bentwater’s entire water district to provide redundancy and better maintain constant water pressure.  If for some reason there is an issue at one of our water plants the other plant will be able to maintain the district without any noticeable effect.

Suggested Watering Guidelines for Your Property
Proper watering is critical to your lawn’s health and vigor. Deep and infrequent watering is the best practice. This means wetting the soil to a depth of 3-5 inches per irrigation. This equates to 1-1.25 inches of water per week, split over several days.  Your run times should be adjusted based on how dry your yard is. Winter watering should have run times 50% less than your summer run schedule.

Watering is most beneficial to your grass when done in the morning (3 a.m. to 8 a.m.) rather than afternoon or evening.  Avoid overnight watering. Early morning watering allows the leaf blades to dry and reduces the risk of disease.  Do not water every day or two. Frequent, short watering encourages shallow roots, unhealthy grass plants, and turf susceptible to drought and disease.

Let the turf determine watering frequency. Since heat, humidity and rainfall vary, it’s best to water at the first signs of stress, not on a predetermined schedule.  As a note, St. Augustine turf has poor drought tolerance and requires more irrigation to survive during our long hot summers.

Water newer plants 3-4 times per week for no more than 5 minutes.  Keep the ground around new trees and shrubs moist initially using a soaker hose or drip line but gradually back off after two weeks.

Recommended Lawn Watering Schedule
Here are some general lawn-watering guidelines and tips:

Irrigation Spray Head Averages
Pop-up spray head: 10-12 minutes, 3 times per week = 1”
Rotary spray heads: 16-23 minutes, 3 times per week = 1”

Seasonal Watering Recommendations
January & February – Rainfall is usually adequate.
Water if no rainfall for four weeks.
March, April & May – Water only once per week if less than one inch of rainfall occurs.
June, July, August & Early September – Water each section heavily at least twice a week if less than one inch rainfall.

Late September & October – REDUCE WATER FREQUENCY!
Early fall is Brown Patch Season, and excess water triggers this disease. During September water only once per week if no rainfall and every two weeks in October if no rain.
November & December – Rainfall is usually adequate. Water if no rainfall for four weeks

Suggested Irrigation System Settings
Some irrigation timers have a seasonal adjustment setting that enables you to reduce or increase watering without changing zone settings.  Suggested settings for our area:

November, December, January and February = 0%
March              50%
April                 70%
May                  80%
June                  90%
July/August     100%
September        70%
October            50%

Your MUD Board:

Susan McFarland, President
Lou Tichacek, Vice President
Gary Montgomery, Treasurer
Rex Cambern, Secretary
John Crystal, Assistant Secretary

Fall Newsletter2022-10-05T12:56:38-05:00
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